
Practice basic hygiene rules in prevention of COVID-19:

  • Frequent hand washing / hygiene, particularly when accessing shared areas.
  • Use the inside of the elbow to cover the mouth / nose when coughing or sneezing, or use tissues and wash hands afterwards.
  • The use of masks in common areas is mandatory.

Respect social distancing with people outside the family or coexistence environment:

  • Avoid greetings that involve physical contact (hugs, kisses).
  • Respecting schedules and other rules that may have been established by Pensión Terminal is to comply with the allowed capacity.
  • Respect the distances between people established in points of attention to the public, such as Reception, elevators, etc..
  • Do not stay in the room during the cleaning, maintenance or repair services to be carried out in it.

At the first signs of symptoms compatible with the COVID-19 disease (fever, cough or respiratory distress):

  • Self isolating (affected and cohabiting).
  • Inform the Reception of the situation by telephone.

If the client does not comply with the rules formulated by the company, especially in terms of security and prevention against Covid19, the establishment can terminate the contract with said client immediately. Resolution of May 11, 2020, of the General Director of Tourism.

Pensión Terminal - Malaga

Economic pension in Málaga Type: City NºRegistro Tourism: H-MA-00685

Pasaje Noblejas, 2

29002 - Malaga

Tel: 952 31 82 00-659730633